
What are the advantages of studying in the college of English Department

What are the advantages of studying in the college of English Department. Get your diploma where you can prove your high quality and your skills. Get a quality certificate that means not only a piece of paper, but also an acknowledgment from others that you do have skills in your field. Remember, a quality certificate that is of great benefit to your success. Between the work done by a high school graduate and a bachelor's degree, it is obviously a salary if both people work for a company or government agency, except for certain things. 

Workers with undergraduate degree are more salary than workers who only graduate high school. So that's one of your added values ​​if you go to college, get a college degree and earn a higher salary or get a better job. But this applies with the assumption that you are both working hard with a high school graduate. But your bachelor's degree can be defeated by a high school graduate if it turns out to be more useful for a company than you are. Therefore you also need to be more qualified and work hard for the company as well as more useful. 

If you hold a degree, show your ability that you have more qualities and skills than a high school graduate. If that's what you do and you can, then your college goal means there's a result. ai if your performance is worse than people who graduate high school then you are useless college and be a graduate. Prove that you have added value. Learning the language also makes us learn culture. When we learn English for example. By understanding the use of the language in different contexts, we are also at the same time studying the culture. With the ability of the World Language you have, you can also make friends with foreigners. 

Your discussion not only covers the booming fashion trends, newly released films, cafe2 that ngehits or whatever you used to discuss with your local temen2. Well, if temennnya stranger (the color of the skin or white item ato yellow or something), which you discuss already wider ciiinn, cross the country you know. For example, what is most famous in their home country, what can and can not be done there, what kind of culture they are, and many other interesting info. of course yes.