First, a bachelor's degree is your guarantee of financial independence, stability and a secure future You can enjoy, have a stable profession and who are armed with a set of practical skills and sound knowledge. It's really a loss if as a student who studied a field of science but knowledge tend not to increase a lot and may diklahkan by other people or students who are not the field of knowledge that more know more about the field than students who really explore the field.
Expand your knowledge in your field of knowledge, so you can become more expert in your field. Read books, magazines, articles, and all matters concerning you. Capture the knowledge given by the lecturer and see programs or events that concern your field. So, you really use the best possible lectures for yourself, to make yourself more expert in your field. You as a student should have a higher intellectual ability than a high school graduate. The person who passed the admissions selection. The new (or new version) and university entrance are the ones with better intellectual ability. But this is assuming the test questions are of good quality and those who accept prospective students are also of good quality. So if you have been a student then you should have a good intellectual ability.
With you lecture then you can develop your intellect. How you answer exam questions during college will show your mindset and intellectuality. People say that students are intellectuals. So, do not ruin the view by showing behavior that is not intellectual if you were in high school first, you must be a more qualified human compared to your condition in high school first. And your mindset should be more advanced than before. Remember that privilege.
With your college then you can do more with your intellect and intellectual ability. If you are not progressing in your development, no more motivated to succeed after college, then you are at a fault in being a student. The diploma is necessary if you go to college. A diploma is not just a memento or as a symbol just that you have graduated from college and become a scholar. If you just want a diploma, without the quality of yourself it means that the diploma is only useful as a tool to announce to the world that you have become a scholar, you can be proud because the title states that your level of education is higher than before, namely high school graduation. But if you want to work by relying on a diploma as a tool to make it easier for you to get the job you want it will not be enough without your qualities and skills behind the diploma.
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